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पत्रिका  एक्कै चोटी ३/४ ओटा पत्रिकाको तह बनाएर बिरुवाको वोरिपरी राख्नाले झारपातमा कमि तथा थोरै सिचाईमा पनि बिरुवाको राम्रो विकास हुन्छ।     २) inorganic मल्चिंग  organic मल्च नभएको खण्डमा प्लास्टिकलाइ नै मल्चिंग सामग्रीको रुपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ। मल्च्को रुपमा प्लास्टिक प्रयोग गर्दा आवसेकता अनुसार साइज र रङ भएको प्लास्टिक छान्नु पर्छ।  कालो मल्च(black mulch )  येस्बाट घामको किरण नछिर्ने भएकोले एसले प्लास्टिक भित्र हुने photosynthesis र respiration बन्द गर्दिन्छ जसले गर्दा माटोमा झारपात उम्रिने अथवा किराको प्रकोपमा कमि ल्याउछ। तर यसले माटो भित्रको तापक्रममा भने ब्रिदी ल्याई बिरूवालाई हानि पुराउन सक्छ।  सेतो मल्च (transparent mulch )  यसले माटोमा घाम पस्न दिने भएकोले १००% झारपात कन्ट्रोल गर्न सक्दैन जसले गर्दा herbiside को प्रयोग पनि गर्नु पर्ने हुन सक्छ। यो बिसेस गरि पहाडी क्षेत्रमा जाडोको समयमा माटोको तापक्रम बडाउन प्रयोग गरिन्छ। साथै यसको प्रयोगले रोग कम लाग्ने साथै बेर्नको छिटो उत्पदान हुन्छ।  रंगीबिरंगी मल्च (double coloured malch )  यिनीहरुमा प्रकासको परिवर्तन हुदा बिरुवामा ब्रिदी

Agriculture marketing channel and different sectors involved in Agriculture

Agriculture marketing is the sum of all the steps involved in moving an agricultural product from the farm to the consumer. Nepal being agriculture based country the importance of agriculture marketing is very high. Every farmer should have proper knowledge of agriculture marketing to increase the production and to raise their economic condition. Agriculture marketing involve the planning, organizing, directing and handling of agricultural produce in such a way as to satisfy farmers, intermediaries and consumers needs. Various medium or channels plays their important role in agriculture marketing. The channels in the product marketing include farmers, traders, wholesalers, processors, importers, exporters, marketing cooperatives, regulated market committees and retailers. Farmers are the major contributor for agriculture good production whereas the others channels like traders, wholesalers, marketing channels etc. plays important role in marketing of the product. Agriculture marketing is important and fundamental topic every producers and agriculture enterprises should know to increase the productivity of enterprise and to fulfil the needs of consumers as their requirement and needs.
In context of our country Nepal, the process of agriculture marketing is under developing conditions. The farmers and distribution channels are following both traditional and modern methods of agriculture marketing. Both government and private institutions are playing role to develop the status of agriculture marketing in our country. The marketing institutions do various activities like buying and selling of products, collection of agriculture goods, quality determination, development and regulation of market structure, finding new method and place of marketing etc. For e.g. The vegetable produced in Dhading is collected by local co-operative from producers and it supply the vegetable to the local market i.e. Community market, retailers, traders etc. and the surplus are whether supplied to Kathmandu or modified to new products (like pickle) through their own partnership. In this way a co-operative works for agriculture marketing.
2.Government Institutions involved in agriculture marketing sector
Government institutions plays important role in development of agriculture marketing in Nepal. It helps in various sectors like legal regulations, quality maintenance, providing quality seeds to farmers, providing financial help and subsidies to farmer, branding of products, developing of block and pocket areas etc. Here are the major Government institutions that are working in development of agriculture marketing sector in Nepal.
A. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD), Departments and their Centers, NARC and its research stations
• International agriculture trade, accreditation of standards 
• Quality control, certification, regulation and monitoring 
• Coordinating bilateral/ multilateral agencies in agriculture sector 
• Technical backstopping to federal and provincial institutions, implementation and monitoring of federal programs
• Agriculture research, documentation of research

B. Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and cooperative, Directorates, AKCS/ADO, Veterinary Hospital and Livestock Service Offices.
• Agriculture and livestock development and promotion, cooperatives management 
• Planning, implementation and monitoring of agriculture related program
• Agriculture development and extension services, provision of expert services to farmers.

C. Municipal Agriculture Development Committee 
•Local level policies norms standards related to agriculture development and agricultural services.
•Overall sector coordination and facilitation for planning policy formulation and monitoring of local level.

D. Agriculture Development Section and Livestock Development Section 
• Planning, implementing and monitoring of agriculture development activities 
• Agricultural service delivery 
• Supply and management of agro inputs such as seed, breeds, pasture land.

E.Kalimati Fruits and vegetable Market Development Board
Pioneer terminal wholesale market of Nepal
•Develop and regulate the market processes and helps to maintain quality of agriculture products
•Determine and regulates the price of agriculture goods on daily basis
•Search various channels of marketing

F.Department of Supply Management and Protection of Consumers Interest
•Supply daily consumers item.
•Market monitoring

G.Nepal Food Cooperation
•Collect, transport, manage goods and supply throughout the world.

H.National Seed Company limited (NSC)
•Produce, process, store and sell seeds of all classes from foundation to improved cereals, vegetables and other seed in commercial basis.

3. Private Institutions in agriculture marketing

Government institutions alone are not capable to develop and monitor the agriculture marketing process in Nepal so various private institutions are working in the field of agriculture marketing in our country. Some of them are as follows:

After the establishment of Department of Cooperatives (DOC) under the ministry of Agriculture for Planning and Development in 1953 many cooperatives are running in our country. According to National Cooperative Federation of Nepal, there are about 35000 cooperatives running till date. These cooperatives help to provide financial help to the farmer and enterprises. Also They helps in marketing, branding and pricing of agriculture goods.

Agricultural Development Bank, Nepal (ADBL) 
With the main objectives of providing institutional credit for enhancing the production and productivity of agriculture sector in our country Nepal, Agricultural Development Bank was established in 1968. It has 240 branches throughout the country.

Commercial Banks 
There are 27 commercial bank working in Nepal under Nepal Rastra Bank limited. They are providing financial supports i.e. agriculture loan to the farmers and agriculture related enterprises.
NGOs and other financial institutions 
Many NGOS and other institutions are playing important role to develop the agriculture marketing in Nepal. Organizations like SADP-Nepal, FORWARD Nepal, GFRAS etc. are working in our country. 

Private companies
Many private companies are providing agriculture marketing services. They help to provide agriculture equipment to the producer and helps to create the suitable platform to sell the products of farmers.
                                                                                                                            Agriculture marketing is one of the important component for any agriculture enterprises to connect the producer and the consumer. So Every farmer and agriculture enterprises should have proper knowledge and plan of marketing their goods. So Many governmental and private institutions are working to develop the agriculture marketing service in our country Nepal. These institutions help to connect the producers and consumers. The producer gets their requirement to run agriculture operation whereas the consumer get the quality products or goods. So The institutions working in agriculture marketing sector has great importance in overall development of agriculture in our country. 


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