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पत्रिका  एक्कै चोटी ३/४ ओटा पत्रिकाको तह बनाएर बिरुवाको वोरिपरी राख्नाले झारपातमा कमि तथा थोरै सिचाईमा पनि बिरुवाको राम्रो विकास हुन्छ।     २) inorganic मल्चिंग  organic मल्च नभएको खण्डमा प्लास्टिकलाइ नै मल्चिंग सामग्रीको रुपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ। मल्च्को रुपमा प्लास्टिक प्रयोग गर्दा आवसेकता अनुसार साइज र रङ भएको प्लास्टिक छान्नु पर्छ।  कालो मल्च(black mulch )  येस्बाट घामको किरण नछिर्ने भएकोले एसले प्लास्टिक भित्र हुने photosynthesis र respiration बन्द गर्दिन्छ जसले गर्दा माटोमा झारपात उम्रिने अथवा किराको प्रकोपमा कमि ल्याउछ। तर यसले माटो भित्रको तापक्रममा भने ब्रिदी ल्याई बिरूवालाई हानि पुराउन सक्छ।  सेतो मल्च (transparent mulch )  यसले माटोमा घाम पस्न दिने भएकोले १००% झारपात कन्ट्रोल गर्न सक्दैन जसले गर्दा herbiside को प्रयोग पनि गर्नु पर्ने हुन सक्छ। यो बिसेस गरि पहाडी क्षेत्रमा जाडोको समयमा माटोको तापक्रम बडाउन प्रयोग गरिन्छ। साथै यसको प्रयोगले रोग कम लाग्ने साथै बेर्नको छिटो उत्पदान हुन्छ।  रंगीबिरंगी मल्च (double coloured malch )  यिनीहरुमा प्रकासको परिवर्तन हुदा बिरुवामा ब्रिदी

Coconut Farming Techniques and its possibility in Nepal

Coconut is a tropical fruit belonging to the family Arecaceae (palm). The tree grows to 30 m tall and 4 to 6 m tall . Long and 60 to 90 cm. The leaves are broad; Its old leaves fall off and the stem becomes empty and slippery. Between those leaves, its seeds or fruits are clustered. Coconut, also known as Ladli, Dridhaphal, etc. in Sanskrit language is called coconut in English language. Cocos nucifera is the scientific name of the coconut belonging to the Khajuli family. Coconut cultivation is abundant in the coastal areas. Coconuts are found mainly in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, East and West Indies and Central America. Coconut can be planted in all types of soil, but loose, rich in organic matter, pH value up to 5.2-8 is considered good. This requires ample potash in the soil. Coconut cultivated in Terai and Inner Madhes can be cultivated at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Mix 20-25 kg of compost soil in 1 cubic meter pit and put two leaves in coconut jata pidh and plant at a distance of 6 meters in June-July. Coconut starts bearing fruit after 4-5 years. With good sewage and management, it can bear fruit continuously for 50 years. Adequate irrigation should be given in case of growth and development of coconut. In the coconut grove, double income can be earned by planting intercrops ‌‌ other crops such as pepper, banana, groundnut, koshebali ‌ etc. The height of the coconut tree is 50 to 100 feet tall. One plant bears 60 to 100 fruits a year. It is found to be an important fruit not only from a religious point of view but also from a scientific point of view. Health experts say that coconuts are rich in vitamin A, protein, amino acids and vitamin B. As one gram of coconut contains 195 calories, it is very beneficial for weak and women to consume coconut. 

-Raw coconut water is also called 'mineral water' as it is rich in sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine. Coconut tree is considered as a multi-purpose. The wood of the tree is used for making many household utensils and also as fuel. Fans, bags and knots are woven from the leaves of the tree. Its fibers are used to make carpets, cords and brushes. Raw coconut has more digestible enzymes than ripe coconut, so it is claimed to be better than other fruits . Its water is considered beneficial for vomiting, stomach ulcers, gastric etc., while it is given as medicine for constipation, diarrhea, urinary tract disease, insomnia etc.Abundant nutrients can be easily obtained from the consumption of coconut fruit and oil . It has also been shown to be very beneficial for urinary tract patients and heart patients.


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